Research Administration Demonstration Series
Dear RAD Community: David Ngo started his new position at NYU and we have now completed the transition of RAD to NYU. Please visit NYU RAD to find schedules (2021-2022) and beyond; RSVP for future sessions; ask questions; or obtain CPE/CEU's. All RAD materials/slides/videos prior to October 2021 remain available on the TNS RAD webpage.
RAD was created due to the current economic pressures, where it has become increasingly difficult to identify the required resources to train research administrators and aid their professional development/career growth. The goal of RAD is to provide information/knowledge sharing for all research administrators. New research administrators could utilize RAD as part of their new employee on-boarding, while veteran research administrators could utilize RAD for their continued learning (or refresher).
All RAD sessions are taught by national level, expert presenters. All RAD sessions are free ($0 cost).
Slides and videos from past RAD sessions are available below. Not all sessions have audio/video recording.
Session 29: Foreign Engagements (slides)
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.