Human Research Protection Program
The Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) at The New School is designed to assist and support its community of affiliated faculty, students, and staff in upholding the highest standards of ethical and professional conduct for the protection of human research participants, and meeting its regulatory and policy obligations in the least intrusive and minimally burdensome manner possible.
"Hood Dandy" ensemble designed by Katiuscia Gregoire, BFA Fashion '17, photo by Stevens Añazco, BFA Photography '17.
Outreach and Education Services
Invite us to present an overview of our program to your class or during a department meeting. Please contact if you are interested.
BRANY IRB Temporary Transition
As of Spring 2022, The New School will be using BRANY IRB to review research studies. You can access BRANY by going to their website portal.
Likewise, to get access to the BRANY system, you will need to request an account by completing this form and follow the instructions provided.
BRANY Submission Requirements
When submitting an application to BRANY for review, you should expect at least 3 weeks for an initial review so please plan accordingly. Additionally, when submitting your application, you will need the following documents:
Please send an email to the HRPP inbox with the PI name, study title, funding source, and brief summary. This will allow us to determine how to guide you.
Once you receive a response from HRPP Office, please follow the steps in the TNS IRB Step by Step instructions document.
BRANY Application (The attached HRPP document provides guidance on how to answer the application questions.)
Consent Forms (Please use the TNS documents located below under forms.)
Recruitment Language (if applicable)
TNS Ancillary Review Form. (Please note that the Ancillary Review Process takes place after BRANY has approved your application.)
CITI Certificate for everyone who is associated with the study.
External Site Approval Form (if applicable)
Ancillary Review Form (Required for All Studies)
Other documents as applicable.
BRANY Verbal Informed Consent
BRANY Informed consent
BRANY Youth assent
BRANY parental permission form
BRANY Teen-parental Permissions Form
Not-Human Subjects Research
Not Human Subjects (NHS) Research does not need to be submitted to BRANY and can be administratively reviewed. Most research involving people is considered human subjects research, thus, MOST studies can not be approved with this determination. However, if you study does qualify for a Not Human Subjects Research Determination, you will need to submit the following documents:
CITI Training for all individuals involved in the research (It is recommended that one completes the Social-Behavioral modules. Instructions for CITI Registration.
Research Proposal
Information Sheet describing the study to the participants (if applicable).
Please submit your completed application All new applications are reviewed within 2-3 business days.
Human Subjects Training (CITI)
The New School as of January 1, 2023, now requires all students, faculty and staff who are conducting research to complete CITI Training. You can access the CITI website by going to When registering there will be an option to affiliate with The New School. You should NOT "pay" for the training. Please see the CITI Training Registration document for additional instructions.
CITI Training is a requirement for ALL researchers regardless of the determination. Most researchers (students/faculty) should choose the Social-Behavioral modules to full-fill this requirement.
BRANY Resources
System Access Form (Be sure to submit to BRANY so an account can be created.)
Schedule time to talk with us about your proposed project involving humans.
Policy and Guidance Documents
+ Forms
These forms are only for existing protocols (submitted on or before 09/06/2019) that were approved or exempt under the previous (non-Cayuse IRB) process.
- Modification Request (for proposing changes to a study)
- Continuing Review Request (for renewing a study)
- Study Closure (for completed research)
+ Templates
These forms should ONLY be used for Cayuse Submissions, NOT BRANY.
- Recruitment (for email, phone, or posting)
- Web-based informed consent (for online consent, with minimal-risk studies)
- Oral informed consent (for verbal consent, with minimal-risk studies)
- Documented informed consent (required for studies that pose greater than minimal risk)
- Data bank/repository consent (for storage and future use of information/samples)
- Parental permission (for a child to be enrolled in research)
- Child assent (for a child to agree to participate in research)
- Site Permission Form (use this form when site permission is required to access data or the participants one is recruiting)
+ Resources
- NHSR (Not Human Subjects Research) Toolkit
- Protocol Basics (How Do I Guidance)
- FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
- Samples of approved or exempt human subjects research protocols
- Revised Common Rule (2018 Requirements)
- COVID-19 FDA and IRB Flexibilities for Researchers
The IRB, as one part of the HRPP, reviews low risk, minimal risk, and greater than minimal risk human subjects research conducted by New School faculty, staff, and students.
IRB Member Resources
+ Meetings (Conducted by BRANY)
+ Checklists
Low risk researchMinimal or greater than minimal risk research
- IRB Checklist: Modifications (Expedited or Convened IRB)
- IRB Checklist: Continuing Review (Expedited or Convened IRB)
- IRB Checklist: Waiver or alteration of consent (Expedited or Convened IRB)
Vulnerable populations
- IRB Checklist: Subpart B determinations (Pregnant Women)
- IRB Checklist: Subpart C determinations (Prisoners)
- IRB Checklist: Subpart D determinations (Children)
+ Knowledge
- The Belmont Report: Ethical Principles and Guidelines for the Protection of Human Subjects of Research
- Code of Federal Regulations: Title 45 Part 46 (45 CFR 46) for Protection of Human Research Subjects
- HRPP Policies
Contact Us
Office of Research Support
79 Fifth Avenue, 17th Floor
New York, NY 10003
The HRPP uses a cloud-based human subjects research protocol submission and routing system in partnership with BRANY.
+ About BRANY IRB System
+ Cayuse Human Ethics Practice (NOT CURRENTLY BEING USED)
- Request a workshop to learn about the system.
- Check our our plan for phasing out of Word-doc forms and checklists.
The HRPP policy and guidance documents define the scope and purview of the HRPP and Institutional Review Board (IRB). These are living documents that are updated as needed to ensure institutional compliance with applicable regulations. Peruse all available documents for information about researcher responsibilities, project applicability, submission requirements, review process, and reporting of unanticipated problems or noncompliance.
CITI or Human Subjects Training is required for ALL human research protection is needed for:
- Faculty working on federally sponsored human subjects research before they receive external funding (e.g., NIH, NSF).
- All students working on federally regulated human subjects research regardless of funding.