Competing Interests and Total Work Activities

The New School encourages its faculty, staff, and students to foster relationships with individuals, agencies, foundations, and industries committed to moving research forward. The Office of Research Support (ORS) will assist these relationships balance competing interests and total work activities. In some cases, these relationships will involve financial conflicts of interest (FCOI). ORS has policy and guidelines to help its community with identifying and managing any FCOI.

Please note, you need to register on Citi using your New School information to access the trainings.

Contact Us

Office of Research Support

79 Fifth Avenue, 17th Floor

New York, NY 10003



ORS endeavours to promote objectivity and efficiency in balancing competing interests and total work activities for investigators at The New School working on externally sponsored research. Through its outreach efforts and in collaboration with faculty, staff, and students at The New School, ORS is committed to maintaining high standards of honesty and accuracy in all research activities regardless of the source of funding.

Some external funding agencies (e.g., NSF, NEH, NIH, NIJ) require the Pre-Award section in ORS to certify that The New School has implemented a policy for its investigators to disclose a significant financial interest (SFI); for ORS and the investigators to manage any resulting FCOI from the disclosure; and for The New School to adhere to the external sponor's FCOI reporting requirements. These same external sponsors may also stipulate that the Post-Award section in ORS maintain sufficient records to relfect that the FCOI diclosure was made and a mangement plan was established prior to the expenditure of the award funds. The Research Integrity section in ORS will facilitate applicable training and disclosure for investigators at The New School.

FCOI training and disclosure in sponsored research is separate and distinct from the conflicts of interest (COI) disclosure and certification for all designated faculty or designated administrative staff at The New School. Refer to "Where can I get a copy of the Conflicts of Interest Policy?" on the Office of the General Counsel FAQ webpage for more information.

Public Accessibility

Information required by PHS regulations regarding identified FCOIs of senior/key personnel will be available upon written request to any requestor within 5 business days. Please contact the COI team at