Responsible Conduct of Research
Responsible conduct of research (RCR) at The New School embodies research integrity, good stewardship of research, ethical research behavior, and the best practices of exceptional researchers. The Office of Research Support (ORS) in coordination with the The New School's RCR Academy offers policy, guidance, and RCR educational content to support university faculty, staff, and students involved in research.
RCR Academy
ORS coordinates the RCR Academy to promote the responsible conduct of research on campus. Accepted practices for the responsible conduct of research can and do vary between disciplines. However, there are shared values for the responsible conduct of research, such as accuracy, honesty, efficiency, and objectivity. These values align with the standards set forth by federal and local regulations, funding agencies, institutional policies, professional practices and personal convictions.
The RCR Academy education content and materials are available to the entire research community, regardless of funding. Student and post-doctoral researchers are encouraged to take advantage of these resources. The RCR content and materials cover the nine (9) core instructional competencies for high quality research recognized by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) Office of Research Integrity (ORI). These core instructional areas are listed below in no particular order.
Guidance and Resources
+ Collaboration
+ Data management
- Collaborator Access to Research Data
- Storing and Sharing Research Data
- Protecting Research Data during International Travel
- Research Data Management and Sharing
+ Human subjects
+ Financial conflict
+ Research misconduct
+ Authorship
+ Mentor and trainee
+ Social responsibility
+ Peer review
Training Requirements
ORS will coordinate with key research personnel working on sponsored projects to verify training, as applicable; a copy of the certificate of completion may be required from the researcher(s) prior to the release of the award. The RCR training requirement flows down to all sub-recipients, including international organizations, under New School awards.
+ Sponsored Research
The National Science Foundation (NSF) requires a plan for RCR training and oversight for all postdoctoral researchers and students (undergraduate and graduate) who will be supported by the award. The open-access web-based training options listed below meet the current NSF RCR training requirements.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) requires a plan for RCR instruction and oversight for all trainees, fellows, and scholars receiving support through any NIH training, career development award (individual or institutional), research education grant, and dissertation research grant. Face-to-face training (in-person or real-time online) through the RCR Academy services and events meets the NIH RCR requirmenets for formal instruction.
+ Online Training
Web-based programs of instruction in RCR are accessible to New School researchers through the following universities:
- University of New Hampshire:
- University of Montana:
- Washington State University:
Contact Us
Office of Research Support
79 Fifth Avenue, 17th Floor
New York, NY 10003
+ References
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services/Office of Research Integrity:
- Introduction to the Responsible Conduct of Research (2007)
- The Lab: Avoiding Research Misconduct (interactive)
- Public Health Service Policies on Research Misconduct (2005)
National Academies Press:
- On Being a Scientist: A Guide to Responsible Conduct in Research (2009)
- Protecting Participants and Facilitating Social and Behavioral Sciences Research (2003)
- Ensuring the Integrity, Accessibility, and Stewardship of Research Data in the Digital Age (2009)
+ Other Materials
Other RCR instructional materials are available from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Office of Research Integrity (ORI). These materials address all nine core areas of RCR and more information about laboratory management, financial responsibilities, RCR administration, and assessment is also available. All these additional resources can be found in the Educational Resources Section on ORI's website.
The New School strives to create an environment in which research and creative practice flourish, and it depends on individuals to exercise their integrity in carrying out their research activities. Despite the university community's best intentions, departures from accepted standards of integrity may occur.
In accordance with federal regulations, ORS is prepared, through its policies and procedures, to investigate and resolve suspected research misconduct by New School faculty, staff, students, and post doctoral scholars regardless of internal or external funding support.